The Awareness level of the GIS & Geospatial Skills Framework contains essential GIS learning for all levels of GIS users.
Using the Skills Framework is an effective method to prove your GIS skills and demonstrate your current competency level to utilise the geospatial data and software investment made by your organisation. It also helps GIS managers make informed decisions about talent recruitment, retention, and succession strategies.
The Skills Framework has 4 levels, of which this Awareness level is the first. The other levels are Basic Application, Skilful Application and Mastery. You can progress through the levels by completing GIS training courses and technical modules from the GIS247 Catalog. The Awareness level is available irrespective of the GIS software training you follow, whilst levels 2 to 4 are specific to your ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro and QGIS training.
Licenced users view their progress through the Skills Framework via a link in their My GIS247 page.
Info Modules
A: GIS Theory & Application
A1.1: What is a Geographic Information System (GIS)?
A1.2: A Brief History of GIS Development
A1.3: An Introduction to GIS Data File Formats
A1.4: Geostatistics & Spatial Statistics
B: GIS Software
B1.1: An Introduction to Raster and Vector Spatial Data
B1.2: The Raster Data Model
B1.3: The Vector Data Model
B1.4: An Introduction to Map Projection
C: Geospatial Data Sources & Structures
C1.1: Remote Sensing
C1.2: Data Storage Tools & Methods
C1.3: Topology
C1.4: An Introduction to GIS Data Accuracy
D: Earth Geometry & Geodesy
D1.1: Elements of Map Projection
D1.2: Different Types of Map Projection
E: Mapping
E1.1: Thematic Mapping
F: Map Interaction
F1.1: Map Interaction
G: Geospatial Analytical Methods
G1.1: Basic Vector Analysis
G1.2: Geospatial Relationships
G1.3: Introduction to Linear Referencing
H: Feature Selection
H1.1: Feature Attribute Link
I: Map Annotation
I1.1: Labeling and Annotation
J: Map (Cartographic) Production
J1.1: Printed Maps vs Onscreen Maps
K: Shared Content
K1.1: WMS & OpenStreetMap
L: Relational Databases
L1.1: Using Relational Databases
M: Data Creation
M1.1: Digitising
M1.2: Introduction to GPS

Actual course content is only accessible to users with a licenced account.
Awareness modules constitute level 1 of the Skills Framework. They provide a solid foundation on which GIS and geospatial skills can be built. We recommend that all learners complete level 1 of the Skills Framework, including those that need not use GIS software directly.