What's New in ArcGIS 9.3.1
This What's New in ArcGIS 9.3.1 online course is perfect for users of version 9.3 upgrading to version 9.3.1. Here you can discover the enhancements and new functionality available in the latest release of ArcGIS.
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Course Sections
Section 1 : Introduction & Tool ChangesInstallation, ArcGIS 9.3.1 Patches, Data Interoperability, Eliminate Tool, Ordinary Least Squares, OLS Model Output, Assess Model Performance, The 6 Assessment Steps, OLS Feature Class, Optional Output Tables
Section 2 : ArcGIS & The Virtual Earth ExtensionVirtual Earth & Bing Maps, Registering Bing Maps, The Virtual Earth Extension, Using Bing Maps, Bing Maps in ArcMap, Bing Layer Properties, Working with Bing Layers
Section 3 : Map Publishing & Layer PackagingMap Service Toolbar, Analyze Map, Preview Map, Map Publishing Options, Anti-Aliasing & Text Anti-aliasing, Map Service Definition, Publish to ArcGIS Server, Publishing with ArcCatalogLayer Packaging, Unpacking a Layer Package, Packing a Group Layer
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