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What's New in ArcGIS 9.3

This What's New in ArcGIS 9.3 online course is perfect for users of earlier versions who have upgraded to version 9.3. Here you can discover the enhancements and new functionality available in the latest release of ArcGIS. This course covers the majority of the changes introduced from version 9.2 to version 9.3. Quickly learn the new functions and options in the new release of ArcGIS that can increase your productivity and improve your workflow.

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Course Sections

Section 1 : Help Improvements
ArcGIS v9.3 Release, Tooltips, Context Help, full Help, What's New PDF, Changes to Help, Context Help Improvements, Shortcut Keys, Crash Detection & Errors, New Resource Center
Section 2 : Interacting with the Data View
Layer Transparency & Legends, Bookmarks, Saving My Places, Relative Scales, Scroll Wheel Options, New Tools on Tools Toolbar, Identify Window Enhancements, Viewer Window, The New Create Viewer Window Tool, Zoom Viewer & Map Location Functions, Pause Labeling, Active Tool ControlHTML Pop-Up Tool, HTML Pop-Up as Fields or URL, HTML Pop-Up with XSL Templates, HTML Highlight Color
Section 3 : Spatial Analysis & Cluster Analysis
Geoprocessing Functions, Changes to tool dialogs, New options, Running tools in batch mode, Model Builder and batch mode, Multi-Buffer tool improvement, Select by Location enhancement, Scatterplot Matrix graph functionCluster/Outlier Analysis tools, New Z score visualisation, Standard Normal Distribution, Null Hypothesis, Confidence values, COTYPE interpretation
Section 4 : Editing Enhancements
Snapping Environment dialog, Split tool enhancements, Feature attribute display, Distance units, View vertices, Viewing number of topology elements, Graphics to Features function, Clip Raster to Graphic function
Section 5 : Working with Attribute Data
Join Data dialog changes, Managing joins & relates, Advanced sorting, Remove sorting from a table, New Calculate Geometry options, Field aliases, Wrap long field names, New right-click options with selections
Section 6 : Working with Layout View
Legend transparency, Legend wizard changes, Scale properties changes, Scale to fit page option, Advanced Map Settings Utility
Section 7 : Exporting Enhancements
Exporting layouts, Exporting TOC hierarchy to PDF, Exporting layer attributes to PDF, Exporting maps to KML, Exporting layers to KML, Using ArcMap KML files in Google Earth

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