Mastering Spatial Analyst with ArcGIS 10.8
The Spatial Analyst extension brings powerful raster data analysis and spatial modelling to ArcGIS. You will learn about creating & managing grids for different types of analysis, including elevation, slope, hydrologic and distance. This course takes the ArcGIS user through the different functions of Spatial Analyst by using a scenario-based approach. This scenario approach means that users can learn how functions can solve or provide better understanding of real-World issues.
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Course Sections
Section 1 : Introduction to Spatial Analyst & GridsSpatial Analyst Extension, Spatial Analyst & Grids, Grids & Vector Data, Grid Resolution, Surface Interpolation, Grid Types, Grid Tables, Grid Location & Projection, Floating-Point Grid Symbology, Integer Grid Symbology, Spatial Analyst Help
Section 2 : Creating and Managing GridsGrid Data Structure, Managing Grids, Creating Grids, Environment Settings, Environment for Tools, Converting Point Features, Raster Data Loss, Converting Lines & Polygons, Grid to Features Conversion
Section 3 : Selecting & Reclassifying GridsGrid Selection, Floating Point to Integer, Floating Point to Integer Output, Grid Selection Options, Reclassifying Floating Point Grids, Reclassify Methods, Saving Remap Tables, Reclassifying Integer Grids, Extracting Cells, Extract by Shape, Extract Values by Points, Grid Histograms, Histograms & Graphics, Zonal Histograms Using Feature Zones, Zonal Histograms Using Grid Zones, Managing Histograms
Section 4 : Cell Statistic FunctionsLocal, Focal, Zonal & Global, Raster Calculator, Simple Arithmetic, Grids & Arithmetic Operators, Grids & Comparison Operators, Grids & Logical Operators, Help with Raster Calculator Tools, Fields in the Raster Calculator, Cell Statistics, Focal Statistics, Neighbourhood Types, Block Statistics, Zonal Statistics
Section 5 : Spatial InterpolationSurface Interpolators, IDW: Variable Radius, IDW: Fixed Radius, Interpolation Barrier, Spline Interpolator, Kriging: Ordinary Method, Kriging: Universal Method, Trend Interpolator, Generating Contour Layers, Individual Contours, Slope, Hillshading
Section 6 : Distance & Cost FunctionsDistance Methods, Euclidean Distance, Distance Between Features, Distance Between Grid Cells, Buffer Grids, Allocation, Cost Distance, Cost Paths, Cost Paths to Zones, Cost Allocation
Section 7 : Viewshed AnalysisThe Viewshed Tool, Observer Points, Observer Height, Observer Viewing Angles, Visibility of Objects, Use of Screening Objects, Analysing Viewsheds
Section 8 : Hydrologic AnalysisSteps in Hydrologic Analysis, Elevation Surface, Flow Direction, Identifying Sinks, Filling Sinks, Flow Accumulation, Stream Channels, Stream Features, Weighted Flow Accumulation, Stream Ordering, Stream Links, Watersheds, Drainage Basins
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