Intermediate Guide to ArcGIS 10.4
This online ArcGIS training course is designed to follow on from the GIS247 Beginners Guide to ArcGIS. It is also suitable for users who have been using ArcGIS (ArcMap, ArcToolbox and ArcCatalog) for a little while but want to develop their knowledge further. We do recommend that users complete our Beginner's Guide to ArcGIS course first.
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Course Sections
Section 1 : Building Map DocumentsThe ArcGIS Applications, Managing the Map Document, Layout Page Set-Up, Managing Data Frames, Spatial Data Sources, Adding Layers to a Data Frame, Adding Geodatabase Data, The Table of Contents, TOC Options, Adding Raster Data & Pyramids, Georeferencing Rasters, The Georeferencing Process, Image Group Layers, Images & Swipe Layers, Attribute Data Sources, Adding a Table, Saving a Map Document, Relative Pathnames, Lost Data Sources
Section 2 : Symbolising LayersSingle Symbol Legend, Symbol Selector, Editing Point, Line & Fill Symbols, Saving Symbols, Unique Values Legend; Customisation, Unique Values, Many Fields & Match Symbols, Graduated Colours Classification, Quantities Legend; Classification Methods, Exclusion, Label Customisation, Chart Legends, Multiple Attributes Legend, Layer Files to Store Symbology, TOC Control, Reference Scale
Section 3 : Organising GIS DataIntroduction to ArcCatalog, Creating a Connection, ArcCatalog File Types, Contents, Preview & Description, Metadata Styles, Introduction to the Catalog Window, Home Folder/Folder Connections, The Item Description, Editing the Item Description, Introduction to the Search Window, Enterprise & ArcGIS Online SearchesTypes of Geodatabase: SDE, File & Personal, Geodatabase Structure, Creating a Geodatabase, Creating Feature Datasets, Populating a Geodatabase: Batch Mode, Populating a Geodatabase: Single Mode, Feature Class Properties, Geodatabases & ArcMap, Default Geodatabase
Section 4 : Managing Attribute Tables & QueriesKey Attribute Fields, Connecting to an External Database (ODBC), Using a Connection in ArcMap, Using X&Y Coordinates, Managing an Event Layer, XY in ArcCatalog & The Catalog Window, Excel Toolset, Creating Summary TablesSelect by Attributes dialog, Create a New Selection, SQL Syntax & Error Management, Field Aliases , Complex Expressions, Matching Multiple Values, Expressions Wildcards, Saving Expressions, The Find Tool & Find FunctionData Matching Relationships, Joining Attribute Tables & Results, Join Options, Management of Joined Fields, Managing Missing Data, Relating Attribute Tables & Results, Managing Joins & Relates, Joins & Relates Tab
Section 5 : Shared ContentAbout Basemaps, Add Basemap tool, ArcGIS Connection Utility, Basemap Properties, Basemap Display, Basemap Cache, Creating Basemap Layers, Basemap Performance, ArcGIS Online, Searching ArcGIS Online, Service LayersLayer Package Files, Unpacking a Layer Package, The Package Layer Tool, Map Packages, Publishing a Layer Package, Publishing a Map Package, Unpacking Layer & Map Packages
Section 6 : AnnotationLabel Options, Label Styles, Label Style Customisation, Label Placement - Polygons, Conflict Detection, Create Annotation, Manage Annotation Group, Editing Annotation, New Annotation Group
Section 7 : Feature AnalysisThe Clip Tool, Intersect, Union, Dissolve, Geoprocessing Results, The Buffer Tool, Geodesic Buffers, Multiple Ring Buffer ToolUsing Select By Location, Intersect, Are Within a Distance Of, Using the Selection Method, Sharing Line Segments, Are Within & Are Completely Within, Contain & Completely Contain, Additional Spatial Selection Methods
Section 8 : Layouts & Data Driven PagesLayout Elements & Tools, Rulers, Guides & Grids, Adding a Legend, Legend Modification, Additional Text & Graphics, About Data Driven Pages, Configuring with a Point Index, Using Dynamic Text, Configuring with a Line Index, Creating a Strip Map, Using a Strip Map, Configuring with a Polygon Index, Creating & Using a Grid Layer, The Extent Indicator, Clip to Shape Options, Printing & Exporting
Section 9 : EditingCreating a New Shapefile, Shapefile Field Structure, Creating a New Feature Class, Feature Class Field Structure, Creating a Stand-Alone Table, Editing Field Definitions, Starting an Edit Session, Feature Templates, Creating a Feature Template, Arranging Feature Templates, Creating Features, Constructing Lines, Constructing Polygons, Multi-Part Features, Auto-Complete Polygon Tool, Constructing Points, Copying Features, Setting the Snapping Environment, Editing Options, Using Snapping, Snap To Sketch, The Trace Tool, Panning & Zooming, Save Edits & Stop EditingEditing Vertices, Move & Move To, Other Editing Tasks, Merge & Union, Map Topology, Select Shared Geometry, Edit Shared GeometryEditing in the Table Window, The Attributes Window, Editing in the Attributes Window, Attributes Window Options, Find & Replace, Adding & Deleting Fields, Calculate & Numbers, Calculate Dates & Strings, Calculate Geometry
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