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What's New in ArcGIS 10.1

This What's New in ArcGIS 10.1 online course is perfect for users of ArcGIS upgrading to version 10.1.
Here you can discover the enhancements and new functionality available in the latest, major release of ArcGIS.

This is a licenced course for registered users.
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Course Sections

Section 1 : Introduction & GUI Changes
Introduction to v10.1, Map Documents, Standard GUI Changes, ArcMap Options, Coordinate Systems, Search Window, Metadata
Section 2 : Sharing Data, Maps & Results
Geodesic Buffers, Sharing Results, Sharing Maps, Service Layers
Section 3 : Labeling with Maplex
ArcMap Label Engines, Starting with Maplex, Label Position, Fitting Strategy, Key Numbering, Label Density, Conflict Resolution, Labeling Options, Labeling Toolbar
Section 4 : Editing
Feature Templates, Editor Tracking, New Types of Feature, Auto Complete Freehand Tool, Changes Whilst Editing, Snapping to Basemap Layers, Editing with Topology, Align Tools
Section 5 : Image Layers
Raster Products, Image Analysis & Functions, Mensuration, Georeferencing
Section 6 : Layouts & Legends
Legends, Dynamic Text, Data Driven Pages, Scale Bars & North Arrows, PDF Export

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